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How does PICER perform Remote Quantum Particle Realignment? (RQPR)

An interview with PICER Institute's founder, David D'i.

About the Earth and RQPR

Dave: Hi David, a friend of ours who has enrolled for the Remote Quantum Particle Realignment asked ''What happens when they (R&D) get there (to the location), are they lying on the ground? Using something?"

David: First of all, we have to talk about the formation of the Earth, if not the Universe. Talking about the Universe is just a bit too far-fetched, but with the Earth, right, during the formation of the Earth, it's very violent, I think people realise, because there were a lot of explosions, when the mantle was formed. Maybe it's beyond the mantle, when the crust was being formed, still sitting on the mantle, sloshing around on the surface, and they are crushing against each other.

So, it was like nations fighting nations, and each plate is like a nation. When you crush upon me, I'll feel like you are attacking me, and I will try to fight back, and I guess chance will dictate who goes where.

Dave: You mean which plate goes underneath?

David: Because sometimes they crash in the middle of the plates and make a mountain. Sometimes there's still a fault line but sort of a rubbing, like shoulders rubbing, sometimes there is a plate that really gets pushed under, and gets destroyed, gets melted back and when anything changes state like this, there's a psychological (we define Psychology as our emotions and thoughts) effect that "this is death" whereas it's really changing from one state to another. But to the matter, to that element, they're being destroyed.

Dave: Is that why change is so hard?

David: It’s the ego. So, our friend who asked about QRPR should understand that the elements, that the ego, has a consciousness and is providing a lot of emotions and psychologies. That's what is feeding back the life that is being grown from these volcanoes, so if they can understand that it's an instigation effect, as it is with chemistry, put one thing with another and they explode, that's instigation.

( Please note: The way PICER understands the word 'Consciousness' may be different to others. PICER's understanding is that Consciousness is how we think, how we perceive things, and the emotions that are generated from these perceptions. All of these: our thinking patterns, our perceptions, our emotions, seem to be what guides our appearance, our physique, our illnesses, and also guides our career and finances, whether we are successful in life, or not.)

Dave: So really, the lava coming out of the volcano, partly is coming from what's been pushed down from the crust to the mantle. It's been recycled back up again.

David: Right. You know, the one that is not being pushed down, they created one polarity, that is the so-called predator. The one that is being engulfed becomes the prey, so on and so forth. So, the two polarities are very definitely formed. And it is still going on now, especially at the fault lines that are creating a lot of the conflicts, a lot of depression, and that translates into the human mind, because we are from the earth, from the Mother Earth, so we are the children. We are the ones entertaining and expressing these stresses.

Dave: So, would that mean, as I look at the ladies of R&D sitting near us at the table, would their character, their mindsets, come more from the plates that were suppressed?

David: Well, we all carry these characters, it’s just that there are more of some and less of others. This group that was brought into the R&D team has a lot of the very elemental elements, when the Universe was formed. They are carrying these codes.

Dave: Primal?

David: More primal, yes, and the entire process of this quarter of a century of evolution (since PICER’s research started), in training these people in reacting and dealing with these forces, is what makes them capable to re-encode the Earth with a solution, with the proper understanding.

Dave: Why is that?

David: When you go through a problem and you acquire the solution, then we can teach a solution to people who are experiencing the same problem, right? And that's why there's life coaching, I presume. But I guess a lot of these coaches just probably talk, they may not have the actual experience, and not actually going through the evolution of changing like you did, like we all did. But the change is what's really the element that we can use to feed back to the earth. Because it's not only the solution, it’s not only the methodology, but it's the feeling like I was explaining to you before, of the entire process, that emotional and psychological feeling of going through the entire steps. Of coming full circle, you can say.

Dave: So, it is more of the primal qualities or energies from the beginning of the universe. So, if they've learnt something and have evolved then they can go back when they do the Quantum Particle Realignment and teach.

David: Right.

Dave: To these more primal qualities of the earth.

David: So, the person has to be there.

Dave: Has to be there, at the location.

About infusion

David: At the place that the infusion is being done, the infusion is actually combining the different elements that makes up these mindsets, which complete the picture. Then the information can go back down to the earth because we can see that a particular plate or the crushing occurring on all these fault lines, is giving out particular information, particular messages, affecting the psychologies of humans. So, we have to go back to these fault lines, these locations, to perform this work, so that the information can go back down to the source from where it’s being emitted.

Dave: So, it's a combination of people. And how would you describe the infusion? What actually is infusion?

David: We see in and out points from the body, points which can emit and that also can receive. So, we clock in these people and use these in and out points to form a module. So, it's not one person that can do this, it has got to be a group because not one person has all the elements that are needed to go into the land. It's now evolved into many different people, each holding particular key elements that have the make-up of the module.

Dave: Hence the R&D team.

David: Hence the R&D team, because I think we do complete the bigger picture of the different mindsets that are prevailing.

How PICER utilizes the design spirit of cars in RQPR

Dave: So, it's just being at the site, or it might be lying on the ground?

David: Or sitting in the car, and lying back in the car. We study where are these in and out points, and then the infusion occurs. So sometimes it's a group of people working together at the site in order to generate these frequencies, these antidote frequencies.

Dave: And is the car important?

David: Yes, the car is definitely important. Because the car has the spirit of the designers, who go to a particular extent to build a vehicle that is true to the value (mindset), and the cars we pick are these kinds of cars. They're not just any cars that are commercially produced, so that they are viable to particular members who feel that it's cheap enough, so they purchase them, no. The car has particular values and particular psychologies from the designers, and those are the imprints of the designer that have been encoded into the overall design of the vehicle.

But then, of course, I upgrade the vehicle too. Because the vehicle came in a relatively economical manner. So perhaps there are things that we could upgrade with the engine, things that we upgrade with the brakes, the wheels, the tires, the exhaust system, the suspension, and all of that. We could upgrade all these to make this a more complete car.

Dave: So, the car is part of that module that you're talking about.

David: Exactly. Because it has a particular spirit that we may not be able to provide for, because a designer is a designer, an engineer that engineers a car has a particular technique or technology that they could employ. “How can I build a supercar at an economical value?” That's the spirit, because for most of the people they just want to earn money. They build a cheap car for economy, but not so many people would invest into putting really good technologies in it, but yet make it economical.

That type of spirit is really just against the System.

Dave: Yes.

David: Because that is dedication. That is contribution. Which is against the greediness of the System. I mean because we only reap and reap and...

Dave: ...for our own benefit.

David: Right, for our own benefit, but these people are not (just doing things for their own benefit), they are always sowing seeds, for other people to reap.

Dave: How is it that it seems so convenient, that a car would have these qualities after you've upgraded it and selected it, but then the car is what also takes you to the site, and the car allows you to sit in comfort at the site, to do the work? It sounds so incredible that the calculation puts all this in the car.

David: Yes the calculation puts everything together, obviously. I mean, we are just meeting the right car, at the right time. This car was just produced. Just when the time is needed. It wasn't there, you know, two months ago. It wasn't there even six months ago.

Dave: But then at a particular time this car is needed, for this particular value or mindset that needs to be retracted or dealt with.

David: The solution is there.

Dave: At the right time?

David: Only at the right time. It doesn't come earlier, just like our explanation (of life), our understanding is that it doesn't come a minute earlier. This is how meticulous and how accurate the System is working. Because people can take this understanding and use it for other purposes, and somehow minimizing the momentum of the consciousness that is required now, and that could wreak havoc, right? Can you imagine if consciousness could not go up anymore, as it is needed to?

Dave: What would it do? It would have to be something dramatic.

David: It’s impossible if you understand the sense of consciousness over time.

About being a participant

Dave: So, it is our friend in Australia who's asked this question originally, about what happens in this Realignment work. She has enrolled for a series.

So how does she link up with R&D at the site with those who are doing the Remote Quantum Particle Realignment work?

David: By putting her name into the list, because the name represents something. It's just like a code for any software. It's very much like what we are accessing in a website, by using the IP address.

Dave: The IP address?

David: Right. Although we don't type in the IP address (when we use the internet), instead we type in the name of the website which corresponds to the four-number system that represents the IP address.

So, by having their name on that list gets access, because the name at the right time on the right list represents that code, and there are no two persons with the same name and the same details being registered.

Dave: And that's why we ask also for their birthdate and other information to be more accurate with their identity.

David: Yes. So we don't get mixed up with any other individuals.

Dave: Yes. Excellent. So, through that process of enrolment, she would connect.

David: She will connect, exactly.

Dave: And would she have some impact on the land where she is?

David: Yes. Because if a person comes from the ancestors of the land that is being affected, the theory of quantum entanglement would naturally help them to neutralize that land.

Dave: So, she's helping.

David: Everything is tied together, from the very beginning, there's no separation. There's no land, there's no person. It's all psychologically formed, it's made to believe that there are people, there is land, there is the earth, and there is the sun. It's just that they're all different values, that's all.

Dave: So, anyone who joins this Realignment work from overseas or within China, they're also affecting the land.

David: Yes.

About the values (mindsets) of different lands

Dave: Can I ask about another topic now? What was the music that you used last night, during the Realignment work?

David: Well, at first I think we were playing some vocal jazz. But somehow I wanted to change to George Benson. I've been listening to George Benson, to this playlist that I compiled, maybe for a month already. Every day I would listen to it when I make my bed or when I go to the shower, and when we are on our way to realignment work. Although I haven't really thought about why I like it so much, but I think it's through listening to George Benson, that the land here (In China) can get infused with the spirit of these Black American artists. Because I think these people, probably of African ancestry, they suffer much, much more than the Chinese do. I believe their life is much more hectic and much more problematic because they were enslaved by many countries.

So, I guess the land in Africa must be horrific, there must be a lot of slaughtering energy throughout the land.

So I admire these Black American artists because rather than manifesting all their past data in a form of anger and retaliation, they manifest in freedom, even though they're not free, a lot of them are still being bothered by those of European descent, or being looked down upon, discrimination, racism, but yet I think they just sort of brush that aside and enjoy themselves through creativity.

And with Benson, his music can be really slow, and also he can be very fast, but in the quickness of his interpretation, I don't sense aggression in it, whereas I can sense a lot of jazz players, especially those with European descent, it can be very aggressive, with these people playing jazz, whether it's saxophone or whether it's piano or drums. I mean, they have very high technique, and I think the technique they gain, all the power that they gain is through aggression. If you can listen to some jazz, you can hear the difference, and there are a few that I do enjoy, some people who play the clarinet or the saxophone, some people can be quite enjoyable. But in a lot of it, their creativity manifests as aggression. Maybe because it's inbuilt into their genes, but with a lot of the Black American jazz players, there are only a few that has that power. For example, Charlie Parker, his "Bebop' (style of playing) was aggressive, but with a lot of other artists, even though when they play fast, they play with finesse, there's a softness in the quickness of their interpretations.

Dave: Also, is the clarinet a less aggressive instrument?

David: Yes, clarinet could be less aggressive, I guess it's because of the sound. Yes, but then clarinet isn't a preferred sound for me, personally. I much prefer the regular saxophone, but the deeper bass saxophone, maybe is a bit too deep, it's deeper than a regular saxophone. The baritone saxophone is deep too, and then maybe the clarinet; the regular saxophone is sort of in the middle, it can play a sort of high sound and the lower sound as well, but I think baritone mainly is a lot of low sound, it doesn't create the high pitch of a medium saxophone. So, my preferred instrument is the medium/regular saxophone as well as a piano, and guitar. I really, really like guitar in jazz.

So, George Benson has that finesse and even with his voice. I recently listened to an interview of him, that he only commercialized his singing when he started working for Warner Brothers, as before when he was with the CTI label of Creed Taylor, where they only wanted him to play the guitar, they didn’t appreciate his voice. But Benson has got a marvelous, very attractive voice quite different to other Black American artists. He doesn't have that voice character of the typical Black American singer, his accent is quite neutral.

So, ever since Benson switched to Warner Brothers, the first producer actually recognized his capability as a singer. And then he started singing more, which is really very, very attractive. His voice is very soft and is very articulated. It's very different from, say, Nat King Cole. Benson’s voice has a liquidity to it if you listen to it more. But often with Black American singers, their voices are quite heavy, quite thick, but Benson is very articulated and finessed and elegant.

These are things that I hope you can pick up, just listen to part of my jazz collection. There's a vocal jazz collection with a lot of Black American men and of course, a lot of Black American Women. And then there is Benson, his voice is just very liquidly.

Dave: I never realized that about Nat King Cole before, but now you say it, it makes so much sense.

David: Yes. Well, his is very soft, Nat King Cole is very soft, but it doesn't have that timbre in the voice, it's too soft with Nat King Cole, so there is little power, but with Benson, there is power as well as the liquidity, as well as the finesse and the elegance.

So, it's all because I listened to Yanyan (a member of R&D) playing a video of interviews of George Benson on YouTube.

The video is about the 'Breezin' album, it's his most famous album, I will say, that really changed him around. This is when I first heard of Benson because for the first time, they commercialized him, because of 'This Masquerade', that song. That's the first time that I ever listened to George Benson, I said, 'Wow'.

Please click on the image above to hear George Benson's music. It is a track that embodies the spirit and feeling David discusses in this article, thank you.

But it's not only Benson's finesse, it's not only to his credit, it's really also the producers who put the right people together and the violin strings and everything, to make that definitive album. To me that's his best album ever. The producer is not well known, not to the general public, Tommy LiPuma, he discovered many artists. It was LiPuma who recognized Benson’s singing capability, and his talent. But listen to it please, and if you want to really feel what I was feeling during the Realignment work, listen to his guitar, he's so quick, but yet there's no aggression. He's just like sliding back and forth and he's just really having a great time.

And this is what the land needs in this part of China, where there is a lot of grudge, a lot of retaliation, anxiety, but it's more of the grudge, the grudge energies, and because of the grudge, it developed a false sense of pride. They (people coming from this land) just feel that they are the 'world' because they have been suppressed so much (being caused originally from the movement of the tectonic plates, that they have to fight back with pride, with a false sense of pride, like "I'm the King. I control you." It's a warped sense of psychology, because of being suppressed. I think the land has been suppressed for so long, and these people, you know how loud they talk?

Dave: Yes.

David: They absolutely show no consideration for the world. These are our research observations.

Dave: Are they feeling that they are the world because they have the right because they've been suppressed?

David: It's a fighting back. It's a psychological fightback, "I have got to express myself. I don't recognize that I'm being controlled, that I'm being slaughtered.” So, it's a fighting back. It's a retaliation. Now exactly, do they know it? I don't know. I often wanted to interview those people here who are very loud and those who walk like they are the king, to a point where they can even bully people to get their way, to act in this 'kinglike' manner. Because this is how people here perceive a high position, because they get what they want, hence they act like a king, so they can look down and step on other people. They have no anxiety whatsoever.

So, to me, it's like a bounce back. It's a form of retaliation that they just had enough (of the suppression), they had to explode, so it becomes reckless, they just want to kill anybody. There's absolutely no consideration. They don't care. To them, they are the only person in the world.

So sometimes I wanted to interview these people, exactly what are they thinking about, so reckless. I am trying to dissect and to analyze exactly what it is, to understand why people are the way that they are.

So, it must have been the land that created this havoc, this recklessness, and this boldness, this pride. And I think this land also feeds cancer.

Also in the way they drive cars here, we observe the manner is quite aggressive and not so mindful of others. In their driving style, somehow they have not acquired the driving skills to be mindful and to be careful. So they drive rather aggressively without paying much attention to the surroundings. This makes it quite dangerous to drive in all of China (from what the Research team observe).

And, of course, as you know, there are a lot of other jazz players that can be just as good as Benson, but somehow the melodic changes in his music, for me evoke a sense of very positive positivity. With Benson, it has that very positive and lightful aggression, which makes you feel that "Hey, the world is great". So, there is happiness inbuilt in his melodies. Yet, it's not only the song itself, but also how they play the melody and how they do the ad lib (unscripted) stuff, their ad lib stuff where they really ‘get’ the chords of the melody, and I think it's in the ad lib stuff that I've really enjoyed. For most of these jazz players, I enjoy them playing the scripted music, the melodies, but when they get to the ad lib parts, it may not be as good.

Dave: So, when they are playing together (Benson and the other musicians), it's very incredible because they work so well together, and they don't play over the top of each other.

David: They don't. Right. That would be dominating. But a few artists can be very good, and Yanyan and I recognized the pianist who plays in a couple of those Benson albums, but he's passed away, unfortunately, he had cancer. His name was Jorge Dalto, an Argentinean, and he plays very well in those two or three albums because those two or three albums were produced by LiPuma and he really knows what to inject into the music.

Dave: And last night at the Realignment work, I saw you change the music deliberately during the work. So, what happened?

David: I just felt a need to listen to Benson, but I haven't really thought about it, only when you start asking me. So now I start to interpret, what does the music of Benson do? So, I think it's a sense of proper freedom.

Dave: Proper freedom?

David: Proper freedom. But these people, (in this particular part of China) they are bound by the aggression and the sense of anger and retaliation and wanting to win over everybody else. They want to be the king of the world. So, everybody that doesn't listen to them, they harm, no consideration, basically, but that is not the trend that we want to set for the land, is it?

Dave: No.

David: And we were talking about the USA as well, in this music of Benson. I mean, there's got to be some magic stuff in the USA. Because seems if you listen to the traditional music from Africa, there is a focus on percussion and rythyms, yet in USA the music evolves to ad lib, to be free, and the chords are very complicated, so this is the talent of Jazz musicians, which seems not to be in the original Genes in those that came from Africa to USA, in the slaves, as this quality which we could call a talent, seems to be acquired from the land of USA, and from the New Orleans Delta area of the Mississippi river.

And Charles 'Buddy' Bolden, a Black American often credited with the birth of the 'Jass' music style, which later became Jazz, he was actually born in New Orleans, so that also seems to be no coincidence, that Bolden acquired this music talent on the land of U.S.A.

So there must be something, some freedom thinking coming from the land of U.S.A. that then lends this talent to the people who lives on it. The land of Africa seems to provide the rhythmic section to the music, yet Jazz is so unique that there is very little resemblance to original African music.

I think if anything that resembles the African music it is Earth, Wind Fire, because they actually had some music that at the beginning, it's just rhythmic tones and it's just bongos and percussion without the music, and then the music begins.

And that seems why I was there for ten years (in the U.S.A.) in order to open myself up and bring out my inner potential. Before that I was so timid, I was just like a scary little boy that doesn't know how to move. I was just waiting for death, basically. That was me. I have no aggression. But when I was put there (in the U.S.A) for the ten years, it completely changed my character.

Dave: Wow.

David: Completely turned me around. But it's not to change into somebody that is aggressive, even though I have aggression within me that I never had when I was in Hong Kong. But with that aggression, I was able to fine tune it after I came back to Hong Kong, and now even more in China. And listening to the music really helped.

So, I think Benson just happened to be in the right place at the right time, which induced a sense of creativity. There's a whole range of Black American people who are really good. The same as I was listening to ‘The Power of Love’, the playlist (

that's really good as well. Also, Marvin Gaye is really talented, although I don't listen to all his music, it's just a few pieces that are really exceptional and good. There was a lot of love within him, but a lot of grudges, a lot of aggression. I heard that he was killed by his father, in an argument, so, it's dangerous. It's dangerous when you're reaching optimization because you can be killed. You can either make it or fail. Do you make it over the hill, or do you just get consumed?

Dave: What's makes the difference?

David: It is the calculation that makes the difference. Right now, I'm riding on the edge all the time because I can sense it. People keep on being very negative with me, trying to arouse a sense of anger and retaliation maybe, a sense of righteousness. So, it's all about the calculation, not about intelligence, never about how great we are, such as summoning my will to overpower these forces, it isn't about that.

Why is QRPR usually performed at night?

Dave: Thanks. One last question. Why do we usually do the Quantum Particle Realignment at night?

David: Firstly, practicality. Can you imagine a few cars parked in somebody else's storefront or in front of an apartment block etcetera, or farmhouse, during the day? We've been asked many times by people that come out at 4 a.m. in the morning, and knock on the window and say "What are you doing here? It's been 3 hours since you parked here." That's one thing, practicality.

The second thing is, I can rest more easily. Can you imagine the sun shining down on us strongly? There's no way I could get into a meditative state. No way. I need to be absolutely senseless, like I am drugged, during the time when I'm being infused upon many, many times. It's not that I'm asleep, but I'm just completely knocked out. I don't sense anything. They can pick up my arm and do anything (with it), I don't know it because I'm not 'there'. I don't know where I am because I'm very involved with modulating, so there's no me. I'm not there anymore, I mean, the 'David', that is normally there, that can form some solidity of the consciousness, is not there anymore. It's like I'm dead. There's no more 'David' at that time. Just like a window, things just channelling through and modulating. So, I don't form a consciousness. Sometimes, back in Hong Kong, they didn't even hear me breathe, for maybe 4 minutes. So, they were worried. I absolutely stopped breathing. So, this is what's required to effectively modulate.

Dave: So for all of us, to effectively modulate, its important to have a meditavite state?

David: Yes, for all of us. Plus, with the sun, the energetic quality is very flamboyant, I would say. And at night, I think we can really get access to the extreme thinking and judgmental networks (which are a foundation of our psychologies) as its when they are very active.

Dave: Why are they more active at night?

David: Maybe because of the moon and the lesser state of consciousness than when the sun is up. Somehow to access the extreme thinking, the sun has got to be out of the way. So, it seems, in a way that night-time is evoking our emotions and psychology and the daytime is giving it the power. It's giving direction at night, and the power in the daytime to run the engine, it's the fuel, but the night-time is the program.

Dave: So, what's the thinking of the sun? What's the mindset of the sun?

David: It's very primitive because it's just hydrogen burning. Hydrogen crashing into hydrogen. So, it's very primitive. Turning into lithium and helium.

Dave: So, the sun is not giving much psychology?

David: It's just a very bare primitive psychology, a primal psychology. It's enough to generate a lot of momentum, but not the intricacies of all the mindsets, not the intellectual, just raw power.

Dave: Is that why people can get scared at night, or see ghosts at night?

David: Yes, because the extreme thinking is very active in manifesting themselves, and

more emerged, I guess. All the psychologies have emerged; so, you can say that the psychology is more awake. So maybe this is why R&D work at night ,and we rest in the daytime.

It's really odd, because ever since I was a child, I've been very active at night.

Thank you, from the PICER team.


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