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About Our Sleep - Part 1


Updated: Jan 27

How Aggression and Stress affect our Sleep and our Health.

In modern day life and work we face an increasing number of pressures, and our interpersonal relationships are becoming more complicated.

Due to many different factors a great deal of people are experiencing tension for a prolonged period of time making it difficult for them to experience a good quality of sleep.

According to the World Health Organization, about 1/3 of the world population has trouble sleeping.

Amongst the adult population worldwide 51% have various types of sleep disorders, and this is higher for the younger generations.

There are 3 major types of sleep problems: insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea which can seriously affect our health, productivity, and quality of life.

We have recently received some questions from various people asking our Institute’s founder David and his Research & Development team about sleep problems and how to improve sleep quality. It includes questions like: 'why is it that some people can’t fall asleep or never sleep well', 'why do elderly people seem to sleep for a shorter period of time', and 'why do young people seem to need more sleep?'

In response to these questions, we wish to share our discussions and some interesting highlights referring to this topic, so we have prepared a three-part series called "About Our Sleep” including some recommendations based on our cases study and a few testimonials in part-3.

When we are aggressive, our sleep can be affected

Our research has found that many young people do not sleep well. They either have insomnia or on the other hand sleep for a long time. It may be because they are too aggressive in how they go about doing things. For some retirees or elderly people, their sleeping problems mostly relate to worries or concerns. For example, they would worry about family problems to do with their children and grandchildren, or have fears about not having enough money, and concerns about their physical health.

Our society is becoming more and more complicated, and it seems that younger generations are under more pressure now, which in our observation is what’s making them become more aggressive.

The most common issues seem to be things like: how to make more money, how to be more competitive, how to get promoted in their careers, how to win against other colleagues, how to get promoted at work, how to become a boss, how to get the investment capital to start a business, etc.

When people have these kinds of topics on their minds, they will most likely be in a high state of tension. If a person is in that state of mind for a long period of time, the strong and destructive electromagnetic fields (minute electrical currents) being emitted from their cells, will seriously affect their bodies.

Our bodies actually emit endless radiation, much like in minute nuclear explosions, acting like a power plant when generating stressful mindsets. When the cells in our bodies can no longer bear these electric currents, they have to stop, and this makes us need to rest.

If the situation keeps on like this for a long time, the liver and kidneys become weaker because the detoxification function gets slower, the toxin levels will increase, and acidity levels will also be higher. Also, the person can be easily irritated, agitated, and prone to having oedema and skin problems.

So, when a person generates this kind of electrical current in his/her body over a long period of time, the dynamic force that is created can’t be easily stopped, and it could be very difficult for a person to notice it because it becomes such a natural part of his or her existence. The initial manifestation of this force may be poor sleep, but over time it becomes an inertia that eventually affects their overall health.

Anxiety pushes forth aggression and causes difficulties in life

We could say there is a general phenomenon today where people are becoming more and more aggressive. It also seems like the values of many young people are to fight for what they want to achieve, even if it means taking risks, being aggressive and ambitious. Maybe even thinking they may not have the energy to fight for what they want when they get older, or the values by which they set their goals are to do with gaining a sense of superiority and obtaining fame, money, status, and power, leading them to fight even harder.

Through the study of many cases over the last 25 years, we have come to understand that success is not purely achieved by being "aggressive and ambitious". There is a mechanism in life involving many functions and calculations. There is a formula, an equation for success, and it is not by merely working hard that we can achieve a desired result, it is not so simple.

If we don’t understand the mechanism of how life operates, the consequence will often be that we do not get what we want. On the other hand, the more we don’t want something to happen to us, the higher the chance is that it will happen. Life is, therefore, extremely complicated.

In our Institute’s Symposium, real life examples are used to illustrate the principles of Life Mechanics. We discuss and explain the reasons for success and failure in great detail, and the reasons why some people always fall into various difficulties in life will be revealed.

In fact, the root cause of aggression is driven by anxiety, however, people show their aggression in different ways. Some people will want to achieve something so desperately because they are very afraid of not 'having' it, whereas others are afraid of not being able to 'do’ something, thus will feel the need to do it at all costs. So, aggression can actually be expressed in many different ways.

Some people may even be highly self-confident, so much so, they will think that they ‘must’ do something. They will work extremely hard, not only to ‘do’ that thing, but also thrive to achieve 'it' even better than others would.

Whereas others, who may be afraid of not doing well, will fight hard to attain the goal. Both of them are being aggressive, would feel tension, and give themselves a lot of pressure, but since their intentions are different, the impact on their body would be different.

For instance, some people are constantly working hard, and are very busy and stressed. They will physically be very tired and easily put on weight. This is called "stress induced weight".

The reason for this health condition actually relates to having too much anxiety, tension, pressure, and aggression. The electrical currents generated eventually lead to obesity and affect the internal systems and functions of the body, making it prone to various lesions.

On the other hand, others will eat a lot but not gain weight, and this may also be due to their strong aggression and ambition, which consumes a lot of energy. No matter how much they eat, all of the energy will be consumed. This type of person does not easily get fat. Although in general, more people will gain weight as they age because they will face more stress, tension, and anxiety.

In our research, we also found that if we are too aggressive and worry too much, our physical health will be affected and we could be prone to having issues like sinus problems, liver malfunction, high blood lipids, cirrhosis, kidney problems, insomnia, or difficulty in concentrating.

It also has a negative impact on our decision-making which would cause all sorts of other problems and difficulties in our life. It may even affect the people around us who would also bear the consequences, which could include things like having financial problems.

Quality sleep activates self-repair capabilities

As we continue discussing with David and the R&D team, we come to the question of how much sleep is reasonable to get?

Well, an average adult usually sleeps about 6 to 8 hours, and an infant or an adolescent generally sleeps longer.

Not only does the brain need to have enough sleep, but our physical bodies also need time to repair and detoxify, because when our bodies have a high level of toxins they become more acidic.

Especially for people who think a lot, worry a lot, are often anxious and prideful, their bodies are more likely to be acidic.

In fact, many scientists have found that cancer cells like to grow in an acidic environment. So, if our bodies become acidic there is a higher chance for cancer to develop.

Take the example of people who have stomach ulcers: our studies found that its due to an excess of anxiety. Stomach ulcers are caused by the radiative electric all currents generated by the emotion of anxiety. These currents burn the cells and tissues, even causing bleeding in the epidermis of the stomach. Many cancers actually develop from ulcers.

If these radiations are burning very strongly in a person’s body, they would need a longer time to rest to let the cells repair, restore and self-heal.

When we are young, our bodies don’t accumulate so much radiation and it is easier for them to repair, restore and self-heal. For example, if we lose our temper throwing tantrums during the day, the body will have time to repair the damaged cells when we go to sleep because we would not be losing our temper at that time.

That is why most people need a longer time to rest. Even if they don't want to rest, their bodies will automatically switch off and stop working.

Its like a factory that has to shut down to repair and maintain the machinery, or like road works on a highway or tunnel, where the road needs to be closed at night-time for maintenance and not let cars pass by.

On the other hand, if the electrical currents generated by the persons daytime tantrums are too strong, there may not be enough time while sleeping for the cells to repair, and their bodily functions would eventually deteriorate.

We also found that for some people who constantly think about a lot of things and can’t seem to stop, a kind of insomnia will arise blocking their bodies from being able to self-repair through sleep. The impact on their health will be huge and they will find it difficult to change their way of thinking because they can’t jump out of the loop, and it really will not be easy for them to get rest.

Why does this happen?

The reason is that their energy structure is constantly emitting electrical currents, making it impossible for them to stop thinking. So, they will keep thinking and try to find ways to solve a problem, whenever or wherever possible, as if the whole world is problematic, and they will have a lot of worries making it difficult for them to fall asleep. In fact, they are locked by their genetic programs.

We will explain a little further what this means. These worries are in fact related to our values. For example, when we can’t let go of something because we value that thing as being ‘good’, and therefore we ‘must’ obtain it. So, we need to understand the driving force behind our worries, and only then can we try to change our thinking patterns by jumping out of these pre-set programs that we have inherited.

So, for those who are aggressive, they will need to find ways to relax. They will need to understand that being aggressive does not necessarily bring success, because it really is not so simple to be successful.

Also, they can try to do a little less in their daily life by allowing themselves to take a pause more often when they are busy, or take vacations more often to get rest, try to put their work down when they go home, find some hobbies that can relieve the tensions of their daily work by doing things like watching a movie, listening to music, painting, or other types of hobbies.

We have more discussions and explanations about anxiety and aggression in our Symposium courses. When we learn and understand the Principles and Mechanics of this Life, we have the opportunity to change the inherent thinking patterns and reprogram what propels our life events.

This is the first article in a 3-part series about sleep. Please read them in order as we will be sharing more perspectives from David and the Research & Development team in the next article. See you next time.

Thank you from the PICER Institute.

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